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A Type Safe Declarative Continuous Delivery Toolkit For Kubernetes

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Embrace GitOps

  • Declarative

    Navecd integrates CUE natively - A type safe configuration language with the benefits of general-purpose programming languages

  • Versioned and Immutable

    Git as the source of truth for defining the desired system state

  • Pulled Automatically

    Navecd automatically pulls the desired state declarations, written as CUE values, from Git

  • Continuously Reconciled

    Navecd is a Kubernetes Controller, which continuously observes actual system state and applies the desired state

Deploy anything

  • Kubernetes Manifests

    Deployments, StatefulSets, Pods, ConfigMaps, ..., anything you can deploy to Kubernetes can be deployed with Navecd.

    Just push to Git and let Navecd do the work from inside your Cluster!

    Get started!

  • Helm

    Got a Helm Chart? Deploy it with Navecd.

    See how!